Naoko Nishiyama

Artist Biography:

Naoko works on the theme of unknown forms of things we know.

She grew up in Nara, an ancient city that has existed for 1,300 years. As she spent time with ancient temples and ruins, she subconsciously sensed the spirit that resides in objects that have survived for more than 1,000 years despite their decayed appearance. She has come to believe that things have a core form that exists in another dimension beyond their physical appearance.

It is this core form that she wants to depict in her work. She believes this is what we know but do not truly know.

It has become harder to see these forms amidst the flood of information and the many things that pass away in an instant. She strives to preserve them as much as possible.

List of Previous Exhibitions:


“AXIS EAST” Art Space Rashinban (Tokyo, Japan)

“Neo Universe” Chakkian Gallery (Osaka, Japan)

“The 10th Miniature ZERO2024” Saigado S-SPACE (Iwate, Japan)


“AXIS EAST Exhibition” Art Space Rashinban (Tokyo, Japan)


“#Self-Recommendation Question and Answer Exhibition” Gallery Tatsuya (Aichi, Japan)

“The 9th Miniature ZERO2023” Saigado S-SPACE (Iwate, Japan)

“ZEROTEN AICHI 2023” Gallery Tatsuya (Aichi, Japan)

“Tatsuya Aquarium of Animals and Plants” Gallery Tatsuya (Aichi, Japan)

“TATSUKON Cho” Gallery Tatsuya (Aichi, Japan)