Margit M Hübschen
Biography / Artist Statement:
Contemporary art in sculpture has a diverse language for taking up positions, shaping forms, and making the invisible visible. Margit Hübschen was born in Fischbach near Saarbrücken, Germany. She lives and works in Coesfeld-Lette, Germany.
The formal language of art exerted a great attraction on her from an early age. Her first works in stone were created in Hamburg. Through her studies with the medium of clay at the European Academy of Art in Trier, a passion was awakened in her. Modeling allows her to make the invisible visible many times over.
"Art does not reproduce the visible, but makes it visible," is a quote from Paul Klee that serves as a guideline for her artistic work. She studied sculpture at the Freie Kunstakademie Bochum and at the Hochschule für Kunst und Design in Halle-Saale, Germany.