Joshua Scranton

“My art is motivated by what I love the most in life. I love my Children, Dreams, the Bible, Mandarin, and Cyberpunk. I use these elements to create art that expresses ideas such as love, agony, resurrection, redemption, relationships, and intimate connection. All of these experiences are what gets us where we need to go and defines who we are. I draw and or paint to process my journey and consider my future destination.

My love for my children has been so profound and has greatly influenced many art pieces. My daughter was my favorite model for years. My son or my “小男儿“ is the apple of my eye and he also appears in various digital works. You my ask why Chinese? My employer asked me to study Mandarin and my love of the Chinese languages just blossomed from there. I use Mandarin throughout my engineering and art work. The Bible has also impacted my art. Its influence has grown over the years as I have gotten older.

The concepts of redemption, resurrection, struggle, the light, dreams, etc have greatly influenced my art. Growing up I also took in all the cyberpunk and sci-fi movies, comics, and books I could get my hands on. My love for cyberpunk just continues to grow. It shows up in a very future shock sense in my art. I swear I dream in neon, while I draw what I love and dream about the most.”