Deena Fadel

Artist Biography:

Deena Fadel is an expressionist artist who surrenders to the spiritual world which fuels her artwork with a mystic flow. The use of mixed media in her work allows one to travel with all senses into another realm. Deena Acquired several awards in the field of art and design where her first was a drawing competition, at the age of 3. she is also a Certified Holistic coach and creative writer and the author of ‘When Nature Awakens’ a Collection of art intertwined with quotes poetry and short stories. “When I let go of my rigid plans, and become open to the magic Divine flow The outcome is far beyond the bounded rim of my limited imagination” - Deena Fadel

Exhibition History:

Deena held several solo exhibitions beholding a journey from chaos to love. She joined in several group national and international exhibitions, such as in Luxemburg Art Fair, Spain, Egypt UK, Canada, United States and her work was featured in the latest Dubai 2020. She has been shortlisted to be part of a project for Louvre Abu Dhabi